Just so we keep everything in tact, I'll be introducing everyone
piece by piece. Tonight, we'll begin with the Carter family. Blue collar
factory worker family headed by Lucas Carter, factory worker at Jackson
Davis' Atlantic Motor Corp. I use actual actors as sort of an avatar for the characters, just to give everyone a visual of what I was going for
Meet the Carter family right now!
Robert Newman |
simple, blue-collar guy, Lucas has worked at the Atlantic Motor Corp.'s
central factory in Two Harbors, MN for the past 30 years. A guy who
just wants to provide his family with the best life he knows how. His
girls are his life, and he wants to protect them from harm, even if it
costs them their happiness.
He resents the presence of the rich
Davis family in his life. Working as the president of the local auto
worker's union, Lucas has spent his life dealing with the Davises, and
in particular Jackson Davis, CEO of Atlantic, and their relationship is
far from friendly. This goes back even farther for Lucas, as the two
knew each other in high school, when Lucas dated Jackson's now-wife,
Lucas is a man who's fought hard to get
ahead to make a life for his family, and maybe a little bit to keep up
with Jackson, his adversary.
Bobbie Eakes |
waitress at local diner, Anna's main priority is her family. She's a
very traditional sort of woman, and has resisted the thought of pursuing
her own dreams all her life.
Anna's impulsive tendencies have
remained buried for a long time, but come out when her children or
husband (or marriage) are threatened, leading her to act out in
surprisingly brash ways, despite her demure, conservative nature.
is extremely loyal to her family, sometimes to her own personal
detriment. She longs for a better lifestyle, but is too proud to ask for
help, and too concerned for her husband's confidence to risk going to
school and pursuing her own goals at the risk of alienating her husband.
She resists the feelings of resentment in her, but isn't prepared to
fight for what she wants for herself.
has never got on well with Marian Jackson, and with good reason. Her
husband used to be in a relationship with Marian in high school and into
college. Anna blames Marian and Lucas' breakup for Lucas never
completing college. Marian is one of the only people she knows that can truly raise her ire.
off-canvas, the Carters' eldest daughter still in her parents' and
siblings' hearts and minds at all times. Kayla has moved from Two
Harbors to New York to attend college and hasn't returned since, due to
disputes with Anna. Kayla finds Anna too invasive in her life and feels
her mother puts pressure on her to be someone she isn't.
Kayla is a liberated sort, and a thorn in the side of her parents.
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood |
Stephanie is an extremely thoughtful, intelligent young woman. Very unlike her mother (probably on purpose), Stephanie is very clear-headed and rarely acts without thinking things through. On track to finish med school, she will soon become a doctor and is intent on working as a surgeon at Lakeview Memorial Hospital in Two Harbors.
Stephanie thinks highly of her family, and is proud of her blue-collar roots. Unlike her sister Hailey, Stephanie wants for a simple life, and is in no hurry to find a man. Her mother insists she'll end up an old maid, but Stephanie knows love will come in time and doesn't let her mother's well-meaning nagging get to her.
Stephanie often acts as a sounding board for her younger, less-secure sister, Hailey. Stephanie relishes the opportunity to advise Hailey, and the two sisters are close. This bothers Anna somewhat, but she resists the urge to interfere, as Stephanie provides at least something of a window into Hailey's state of mind, which Anna doesn't want closed off to her.
Brittany Underwood |
Hailey is much more traditional than her older sisters. Concerned with her looks and boys all through high school, she was a handful for Lucas and Anna. The baby of the family, and "mama's little miracle", Hailey was born prematurely and barely survived her first month. Anna spoilt Hailey rotten, which drove her older sister Kayla nuts. She and Hailey rarely speak and are civil even more rarely.
Steph, though critical of Hailey's vapid nature, understands her sister better than most anyone else. She often acts as liaison between Anna and Hailey, and hopes to guide Hailey to a more well-rounded place in her life.
Hailey doesn't share her mother's impulsiveness, but Hailey does have a strong desire to move up in the world and away from her blue-collar life. She believes she's found that life with her fiancé Brad Davis, whom her family disapproves of. Drawn to his traditional good looks, money, and status, he's actually her second choice in a mater after his younger brother Colin Davis. However, her relationship with Colin soured in high school and they barely speak. Still, he lingers on Hailey's mind when she's with Brad, and their similarities act as reminders to Hailey of Colin. This makes Hailey feel incredibly guilty, and causes her to overlook some of Brad's less favourable qualities.
Despite her family's protests (especially after witnessing some of Brad's less charming moments), Hailey insists on continuing with her wedding plans. But will her feelings for Colin eventually take over and ruin her life with Brad?