Hailey stands in the bathroom at the hotel, she folds her arms and looks cross at her sister, Stephanie.
HAILEY: I am not fixated on Colin.
STEPH: Right, that's why your eyes are practically velcroed to him? Come on, sis. I know you too well, and I haven't seen you look that way at Brad the entire time you two have been dating. In fact, you haven't looked that way at a guy since you were with Colin befo--
HAILEY: Okay, enough! Steph, seriously. Stop it.
Hailey turns away from her sister and paces the room, grimacing. Steph looks at the ground, trying to say the right thing to her sister, and hopefully shed some light on the situation without rocking the boat any more.
STEPH: Hailey, when are you going to face the fact you're absolutely still in love with Colin. At the very least you're still attracted to him. Honey, I know things ended weirdly with him, and I still don't know what went down.
HAILEY: It was stupid. It wasn't worth talking about.
Steph sighs heavily and sits down on the chaise lounge in the room. She takes a deep breath before asking Hailey a question.
STEPH: Do you want to talk about it.
HAILEY: Steph, that was YEARS ago, I am so over it.
Steph jumps to her feet, once again excitable over Hailey's denial.
STEPH: No, you're not! And anyone with eyes can see it. Now I know this is all weird because Colin's back in town and all but...Hailey, he's still got a hold on you. I can tell. I'm sure he can. And if you're not careful, Brad could tell.
HAILEY: Oh my God, Steph. it's over between Colin and me. It's ancient history. For crying out loud! I'm with Brad. I'm happy with him.
Steph takes a minute to think again, taking her sister's hands in hers and looking into her eyes with intensity.
STEPH: Hailey, I'm gonna tell you something. Sister to sister. Okay?
Hailey relaxes a bit as Steph motions her to sit down beside her on the chaise lounge. Steph takes a second to collect her thoughts.
STEPH: Okay, so you know I'm not like mom. I'm not telling you that you need to commit to Brad because you've agreed to marry him and marriage is sacred bla bla bla, right?
HAILEY: Right.
STEPH: Like, I think you know by now I'm a little bit more...let's say liberated than that. As far as I'm concerned, you need to go after the guy you're really in love with. And honey, if that's Colin, then why are you marrying Brad?
HAILEY: Steph, I'm marrying Brad because I love him. I love him NOW. Not for something in the past. Colin was a good time when I was in high school, he was rebellious, he was passionate, he was fun! I'm growing up. I want a guy that's gonna take care of me and make me feel special.
STEPH: And Brad does that for you?
HAILEY: Definitely! Steph, he's played the field for years. He's been around. He could have any girl he wants in this entire city. And some of the guys if he wanted as well.
Steph and Hailey laugh together. Hailey clasps Steph's hands in hers.
HAILEY: But he wants me. He loves me. Colin was a special time. But Brad is the right man in THIS part of my life. And the future.
STEPH: You know, for a bimbo kid sister, you can be pretty smart sometimes, you know that?
Hailey rolls her eyes and pushes Steph away playfully as Steph laughs.
HAILEY: You always did know how to ruin a tender moment, didn't you?
STEPH: I try.
Steph leaps to her feet and holds out her hand to Hailey.
STEPH: Come on, let's go celebrate your future!
Hailey grabs Steph's hand and bounces out of her seat, smiling widely.
HAILEY: Gladly.
* * *
JACKSON: Well, Carter?
Jackson steps forward onto the terrace outside the dining hall, having caught Lucas and Marian in an intense conversation.
LUCAS: Nothing to concern yourself with, Jackson, I was just trying to make sure that we're all on the same page here.
JACKSON: Did I miss something? I mean, we're here for our children's engagement party, so I assumed we already knew where we stood.
LUCAS: Knowing where we stand would be a lot easier if I knew how you really felt.
Jackson slowly approaches Lucas, sarcasm dripping off his every animated gesture.
JACKSON: What do you mean? I'm thrilled about this party. I'm jumping for joy. Couldn't find a happier guy than me about all this, Carter. You know, I tell ya, your daughter is really something in that dress tonight, I mean--
LUCAS: Can the jokes, Jackson. I know why you had Colin come tonight. You know, I know you're not above pitting your kids against each other to get you want, but really, making Colin come all the way back here from California just for this? I mean, you must have REALLY pulled out all the stops to make that happen, considering how you're still trying to clean up the mess he made in that exposé he did in the Tribune about you--
JACKSON: My son came back on his own, Carter. You might want to watch how many wild accusations you throw my way in the future. Because not only are you still my employee, but we're also going to be family soon. So I'd feel a lot better if we just, you know, tried to get along.
LUCAS: I'm sure you would. Just don't think for a second that I'm gonna be watching you every step of the way. If either of your sons does anything to hurt my daughter, you'll be hearing from me.
JACKSON: Likewise.
Lucas steps away, heading inside, as Marian, looking lost, steps to him and embraces him. Jackson holds her tightly and rocks her gently side to side as she tries to calm her nerves after her exchange with Lucas.
JACKSON: *sigh* He never learns, does he?
MARIAN: Jack, just...don't worry, I'm fine.
JACKSON: Well, no, no, I mean he can't just...come in here getting all up in arms just because Colin's back.
MARIAN: It's going to take time, Jackson. Time to build some trust between us all. I just hope Lucas is wrong and Hailey and Brad are happy even with Colin back home.
JACKSON: Well, honey. We'll see about that.
Jackson gives his wife a hug, as a somewhat sinister smile crosses his face.
* * *
Inside, Anna stands, arms folded, as Lucas approaches her, coming in from the terrace, clearly exasperated, and knowing what Anna's going to say.
LUCAS: What?
ANNA: You need to calm down--
LUCAS: Oh don't start with that, Anna. You and I both know that Jackson picked the perfect time to have that kid come home.
ANNA: And? So what if he did?
LUCAS: Don't you see? He orchestrated this whole thing. Get Colin to come back so he can drive a wedge between Brad and Hailey. It's so obvious, Anna.
ANNA: And if Brad and Hailey love each other, they're going to deal with. Together.
Anna rubs Lucas' shoulders and tries to relax his mind with her words.
ANNA: Look, we are here to celebrate our daughter's engagement. She would not get engaged if she weren't sure that Brad is the man she wants to spend her life with. And no amount of manipulation from Jackson Davis is going to change that.
Anna stops and turns Lucas around to face her.
ANNA: So just calm down...
Anna takes a wine glass off the dinner table beside her and hands it to Lucas.
ANNA: Have a drink...and RELAX.
LUCAS: But how can I--
Anna holds up her finger to Lucas' lips.
ANNA: Ah ah!
Anna leans in to kiss him gently on the lips. After they kiss, they both smile as they look lovingly at each other.
* * *
Steph sits down at the table next to Eva, who's compulsively checking her phone, and stubbornly not socializing. Steph wags her finger and jokingly scolds her aunt.
STEPH: Alright, Aunt Eva, you've been sitting her moping long enough.
Steph and Eva both have a quiet laugh before Eva sighs and looks down.
STEPH: Come on, seriously. What's going on?
EVA: Oh, Steph. I'm just waiting for Nathan. I haven't seen him in what feels like weeks.
STEPH: Well he was supposed to come around tonight, no?
EVA: Supposed to. I mean, where is he? it's nearly 11, and he said he'd be here for 10:30.
Steph leans over and gives her aunt a hug as Anna comes around to sit with her daughter and sister.
ANNA: Still not here, hm?
Eva plops her phone down on the table with a hint of aggression.
EVA: No word from him either.
ANNA: Well, what? Are you two still fighting over wanting to quit your teaching job?
EVA: Ugh. He's worried about it. He doesn't want me to stop working in case something happens to his job, but I have no idea why he's worried. I mean...ever since the IntuiBrake launch we've been doing so well. I just don't get it.
ANNA: Has he talked about any reason why he should be worried about work?
EVA: No. I mean, we've barely talked all month though so I wouldn't know.
ANNA: What do you mean?
EVA: He's always in that office. Every night. And it's work. I know it is. But it's...it's too much.
ANNA: I know, honey. I know.
Further down the table, Trey and Lucas are having a relatively pleasant chat.
TREY: You got the happy couple an engagement gift at all?
LUCAS: Well, I did what I could. Gave Hailey a bit of money we'd been saving up to buy her a new dress for the party and all. Nothing too special.
TREY: Hey, she picks well.
LUCAS: Yeah, you know...I figured, she'd know what fits better than I would so...
Jackson steps up to the head of the table and clinks his glass with a fork to get everyone's attention. As the room goes silent, champagne flutes are passed around.
JACKSON: Can I have everyone's attention, please.
The room's energy settles and all eyes are on Jackson as he begins his announcement.
JACKSON:...Thank you. As you all know, tonight is incredibly special to all of us, and especially to me, as I am the father of a soon-to-be happily married man.
A few claps heard as Jackson takes a quick pause.
JACKSON: I invite you all now to join me in a toast.
Jackson raises his champagne glass, as do the others. Now, as you all know, it wouldn't be fitting of me to end the evening without a small gesture to my future daughter in law, to invite her into the family. And what better way to welcome her to MY family, than to present her with this.
Jackson pulls a small jewelery box from his jacket pocket and presents it to Hailey. Hailey, intrigued, grows a smile on her face before slowly opening the box. Her expression is one of confusion.
Jackson dons a calm smile.
JACKSON: Your new car, Hailey.
The crowd gasps and applauds, as Hailey excitedly hugs Brad and kisses him before shaking Jackson's hand with both hands, bouncing up and down as she does like a small child at Christmas. Lucas tenses his hand around his champagne glass. Anna swoops in and takes it from him before he breaks the glass.
HAILEY: Oh my God, where is it?
JACKSON: Out front. Everyone, you're welcome to come with us and check it out.
Jackson takes Hailey out to the front, where their new car is stopped out the front doorway with a giant ribbon on top. Lucas and Anna follow slowly behind. Lucas shakes his head with disapproval.
LUCAS: He had to show me up somehow, didn't he?
ANNA: Oh come on, you knew he was going to get her something...and they happen to operate an auto corporation, I mean...it's not...inconceivable.
LUCAS: Who runs Jabot? Couldn't she have married his kid instead? Then she'd get free eyeliner.
ANNA: Now Lucas, just stop it. Just let her enjoy her new car. We can sell the old one now! And it's our daughter's day. Let me enjoy it.
Lucas bites his tongue for Anna's sake, and watches as this young woman, his youngest daughter, sets foot into her new car and zooms off into the night with his fiancee at her side. Colin stands apart from the rest of the Davis family, seeing them off, but seeming lost, and deep in thought as he watches his high school love drive away with her new man, his brother.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
Episode 4: Bend Time Back 'Round
HAILEY: C-colin!
Colin also stands, seemingly stunned, before her, unsure what to say back, or even if to smile.
COLIN: Hailey...congratulations.
Colin gives a faint smile as Hailey steps hesitantly toward him before Brad steps in, a glimmer of mistrust and insecurity in him. Brad quickly puts his arm around Hailey's waist and motions to Colin, effectively putting up an invisible barrier between Colin and Hailey.
BRAD: Colin surprised us all today.
HAILEY: You didn't know he was coming?
BRAD: No, he actually just showed up as we were leaving tonight.
Brad looks up and smiles at Colin.
BRAD: I'm really glad you could be here to help us celebrate our engagement, man. It means a lot.
Colin nods and gives an awkward, half-hearted smile.
COLIN: It's...it's good to be here. I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
BRAD: Thanks, man. You know it really means a lot to both of us that you're here.
Brad squeezes Hailey as he speaks, and Hailey tenses a bit before catching herself and forcing a smile.
COLIN: I'm just glad I could...you know...reconnect with my family, and...old friend like Hailey. You know? I know you two are gonna be happy together.
BRAD: Yeah, this one here...she's special. Can't let her get away, you know?
Brad presses into Hailey and surprises her with an intense kiss, eliciting cat calls from the party behind them. Colin winces slightly at this obvious display, but stops himself and feigns a smile.
Eva and Anna are sitting nearby, smiling at the "happy couple", as Lucas rejoins them. Trey, meanwhile is fixated on his phone, and Eva smacks him gently for it.
EVA: Would you put that thing away. God, you're as bad as your little brother.
TREY: Hey, if this was Allen, he wouldn't have taken the half a second to look at you just now.
EVA: *rolls eyes* True enough.
LUCAS: *laughing* Still having trouble with Allen?
EVA: Ugh, you know how teenagers are. I love the little guy but...you know, sometimes I just feel like he's never going to accept me as a parent. Or even, just his dad's wife.
ANNA: Well, honey, I mean...he's at least come to like you. I mean, he at least listens to you, no?
EVA: Honestly? He listens to Trey more than he listens to me. And even THAT took years to build.
TREY: It wasn't easy, but, I finally got through to him. At least a little bit.
EVA: I mean, he wasn't as bad as a kid but...he's such an angry kid. You'd think his feelings would mellow over time.
ANNA: Sometimes they don't.
EVA: Yeah, but...ten years? Come on, Anna.
LUCAS: Well, I mean...I didn't realize this was still a problem. I mean...has he ever seen a therapist? Maybe that could help. I mean, you can certainly afford it now, with how well Nathan's done with the IntuiBrake project.
EVA: Yeah, but...I don't know that I want to force him into something like that, you know? I feel guilty, like, like it's something I've done to him, and I don't wanna make it worse.
Trey leans over and hugs his mom. Anna smiles and holds her sister's hand. Eva seems to snap out of it for a second and looks over at her phone.
EVA: And still no word from my dear ol' husband.
ANNA: Yeah, he really is taking a long time to get here.
EVA: I know, I don't know what's taking so long. It better be damned important.
* * *
Atlantic HQ |
Tonight, Nathan sits fixed to his desk, going over files of research and testing he's done. On his computer screen is a news report from a small town news site in West Virginia, where a recent model Atlantic was involved in an accident, crashing into a parked car. Nathan appears troubled by the report.
He flips to another tab in his web browser which notes a similar scene involving Windsor vehicle (from Atlantic's more upscale division) causing a pile-up on a local expressway in Northern Ontario, Canada. As he furrows his brow, making notes about the reports and printing out the reports, he hears a notification of a text on his phone.
Checking it, it's from Trey, asking where he is. Nathan hastily types out "@ work tell eva ill b there by 11", before setting his phone down and heading for the printer room.
The door to the printer room swings open as Nathan pulls out the reports. In walks Gina Paxton, Jackson's secretary.
GINA: Nathan! You're here awfully late.
NATHAN: I could say the same for you.
Gina stands by Nathan, looking into her phone and texting as she talks.
GINA: Well, you know me. I'm always willing to lend a hand to the boss.
NATHAN: I'm sure Jackson appreciates it.
GINA: Well, he sure doesn't act like it.
Going into camera mode, Gina checks her hair through her phone, before locking her shiny white iPhone and stowing it away in her Coach clutch.
GINA: Besides, I'm basically done. Just gotta get changed and it's off to Hailey's engagement party.
NATHAN: Yeah, I'm not sure when I'm gonna be there.
GINA: Aww, that sucks.
NATHAN: Did you need a ride over when you go?
GINA: No, I have a date tonight. But thanks!
NATHAN: Oh? Who's the lucky guy.
GINA: Oh just some random. Nothing big. I'm only going to make someone jealous.
Gina giggles and goes to head out.
NATHAN: That someone isn't Brad, is it?
GINA: Oh come on, Nathan. You're gonna have to try harder than that. Have a good night!
Gina sashays from the room. The sound of her heels click as she walks down the hall. Nathan shakes his head and laughs to himself.
NATHAN: That girl is nothing but trouble, man.
Nathan steps back to his office and grabs his coat. He files the reports away in his briefcase and steps out of the office.
* * *
Back at the party, Marian stands out on the terrace, looking out at the lake. Lucas steps out to catch some fresh air for a moment and stops in the doorway upon seeing Marian.
LUCAS: Marian.
Marian, deep in thought, barely notices Lucas calling to her, but still responds.
LUCAS: How are you?
Marian, finally clueing in to who's talking to her and turns around quickly. If she could back up she would, but is pressed against the railing.
MARIAN: Lucas! What are you doing out here?
Lucas slowly walks over to her, relaxed, hands in pockets. Marian's discomfort mounts as he approaches.
LUCAS: Same thing as you. Just came out to get some fresh air, clear my head.
MARIAN: Right, well...I came out here to be alone, you know.
LUCAS: Oh I'm sure. Lot going on tonight.
MARIAN: That's for sure.
LUCAS: I see Colin's home.
MARIAN: Yes, he just came home tonight. First time I'd seen him in...oh...God...quite awhile now.
LUCAS: He looks a lot like you, you know. Lucas is now fairly close to Marian, and at Lucas' last words she draws herself up and motions at Lucas to stop.
MARIAN: Lucas, please.
LUCAS: Whose idea was it for him to come home?
MARIAN: Well, I had called him but I didn't expect him to actually come--
LUCAS: Oh you didn't, hm? Look, I'm not exactly thrilled about this engagement either, but it's what Hailey wants. And I'm willing to set aside my feelings about Brad and your rat of a husband--
MARIAN: Lucas...
Lucas stops himself, relaxing again as he continues.
LUCAS: Sorry. Look I'm willing to play nice for her sake. But if your son, either of your sons, hurts my daughter again, don't expect me to sit in silence, okay?
MARIAN: That won't be a problem.
LUCAS: I hope not. And you can tell Jackson that too.
JACKSON: What exactly did you want to tell me, Carter?
Jackson appears, arms folded with a concerned look on his face, leaning against the doorway to the terrace. His response startles Lucas who turns around quickly to face him.
Back inside, the party is in full swing, with friends and family chatting over champagne and h'ors d'oeuvres. Hailey is chatting with Trey when Gina walks in with her date, a very pretty 20-something man in a suit. Hailey immediately turns and runs toward her best friend. The girls scream as they hug, surprising many at the party.
HAILEY: Oh my GOD, I'm so happy you're here!
GINA: Are you kidding? I would not miss this. You're like, my best friend in the entire world.
HAILEY: OMG, I'm so happy you finally made it, and with such a sexy guy with you. I'm Hailey, and you are...?
Hailey holds out her hand for the young man, who kisses her hand and winks. Hailey raises an eyebrow and gives Gina a look.
HAILEY: Charming.
Hailey giggles and Gina joins her. Gina's date takes it in stride, and laughs along with them.
PAUL: I'm Paul. I work at head office with Gina.
HAILEY: Ohhh! Well, nice to meet you.
GINA: And Hailey is the lucky girl who's going to marry Brad.
Paul suddenly clues in and drops Hailey's hand at the realization. Brad walks over to them at that moment as well.
BRAD: Paul, good to see you, man.
Paul gives a nervous handshake to Brad.
PAUL: Brad.
GINA: Yyyyep. So you're stuck with me for the rest of the night.
PAUL: Hey come on! I'm just being friendly.
GINA: Yeah yeah.
HAILEY: Come on in, guys. I'll get you a seat.
Hailey and Brad lead them into the dining hall, but as Hailey looks over toward the table, Colin, mid-conversation with Hailey's sister Stephanie, once again catches her eye. Steph notices this immediately and excuses herself from her chat with Colin. She takes her sister by the arm and hastily leads her to the ladies room.
Once inside, Steph grabs Hailey by the shoulders and looks her straight in the eyes.
STEPH: What in the Hell are you doing? Could you be any more transparent?
HAILEY: What the Hell are you talking about what the Hell am I--
STEPH: Colin, Hailey, Colin! I'm talking about this longing gaze you're getting in your eyes whenever you're within 100ft of him. What are you doing, Hailey?!
Hailey is stunned and struggles to give an answer.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Episode 3: Principles
Colin storms out onto the quiet, but breezy lakeside patio outside the hotel ballroom where his brother's engagement party will soon begin. Enraged by his father's comments inside, Colin goes out to cool off. His thoughts go back to high school.
A teenaged Colin and Hailey stand on the same patio, deeply troubled looks on both their faces as they stand apart from each other, Colin leaning against the same railing he is in the present. Hailey turns her back to him and begins to walk back inside, head in hands. Colin turns and stops her, offering an apology. Hailey shakes her head, a look of disappointment on her face, stinging Colin like acid.
"It's not enough, Colin. I don't care what your mother had to do with any of this, it's what you did...and I'll never forgive you for it."
Colin hangs his head, as Hailey hands him back a ring, she steps away from him, back inside the ballroom. Colin goes to stop her but stops himself, turning back towards the railing. He hears a voice call his name.
Turning around, Colin rolls his eyes at the realization it's his his father, Jackson.
"Colin?," Jackson calls out again, Colin hesitating to respond.
* * *
Arriving in the lobby of the hotel, Eva Williams and her eldest son Trey Vitali arrive. Eva is dressed in a beautiful red evening gown, while Trey is wearing black slacks, and a blazer with a tie and dress shirt. They arrive arm in arm, laughing. Just ahead of them stand the Carters, also just having arrived at the hotel. Eva throws her arms open in delight upon seeing Hailey.
"Oh my God! Come her and give your Auntie Eva a hug, baby!," Eva squeals with delight, as she pulls Hailey in for a hug.
Anna turns around and gives Eva a warm smile before Eva steps over to hug her sister. "Congratulations, Anna!," Eva says while beaming ear to ear with excitement, "How has everything gone so far?"
"Well, fine so far, but dinner hasn't started yet," Lucas tells Anna, "We just got here a second ago ourselves."
"Yeah, they just renovated, so even I have no idea where anything is and I used to work here while I was in school," Trey chimes in, impressed with the changes they'd made.
"Well, the Davises can wait for us, as far as I'm concerned," Lucas decides.
Anna rolls her eyes at Lucas, and quickly changes the topic before he gets riled up again, asking Eva: "Where's Nathan, anyway?"
Eva's face changes, losing a bit of its enthusiasm as she tells her sister, "Oh he'll...he'll be around later, he got caught up with something at work so I just...let him go ahead."
Anna nods, understanding but having questions run through her mind. Ones she keeps in her head for the moment so as not to bring down the spirit of the evening. Instead, she takes her sister's hand and motions everyone to head for the ballroom, "...wherever that is."
* * *
Colin returns to facing out over the lake, disinterested in speaking to his father. Jackson insists on talking to him though, and begins anyway.
"I would've thought this would appeal to you!" Jackson says, a look of mock surprise on his face, "I mean it's not like you two haven't fought over your toys before."
Colin turns around in anger, pointing his finger in Jackson's face threateningly, "You have absolutely no right to speak about any woman that way, and especially Hailey, you understand?"
Jackson laughs in his son's face, "Or what?"
Jackson turns the other way and takes in the indian summer air. Hands in the pockets of his suit pants, he carries a relaxed demeanour, almost out of spite for his hot-headed son. He asks of Colin, "Do you really think I don't know the real reason why you came back?"
Colin looks puzzled by his Jackson's assertion, retorting, "The real reason is the reason I gave you before. Mom wants me back in town for my last year, and the University's Environmental Protection Group reached out to me to help them out."
Jackson scoffs at this, losing his cool as he speaks, "You and that damned environmentalist crap again. Do you understand where the money that paid for your education came from? That put a roof over your head for the first eighteen years of your ungrateful little life came from? Do you?"
"Oh I'm well aware, Jackson," Colin responds coldly, "And that's what makes it even better, knowing I'm putting that money to a worthwhile use."
Jackson's demeanour is increasingly threatening, approaching Colin with eyes filled with fire, but trying to keep a cool exterior. He gets in close to Colin, telling him, "See, that's where you're wrong, because not a penny of my money will be going to you if you're going to use it to destroy everything this family's worked for for generations. I'll see to that."
Colin smiles cooly. Unphased by his father's threats, he answers, "That's fine with me, I can pay my own way."
Jackson steps back slightly, but continues on, "And as for Hailey, I know you're really back for her, to claim what's 'rightfully yours'."
Colin's face cringes at his father's cynical words. Jackson continues, "Oh, you can dress it up any way you like, make it as egalitarian-sounding as your sensitive pseudo-intellectual head wants you to, but you can't fight nature, and your nature wants to sling her over your shoulder like a caveman and drag her back to your cave, because that's how a man's wired--
"No that's how you're wired!," Colin erupts in a rage, shaking at his father's words, "I want Hailey to be happy, even if it's with my idiot brother."
Colin recoils from his outburst, returning to a cooler place, though still filled with rage inside. He continues, "Now I know that's not how you operated, but some of us aren't hard-wired to 'win the girl' like she's some sort of trophy that a man wins in a football tournament."
Jackson shakes his head, "I should've never let you take those gender issues courses in first year. You're starting to sounds like Gloria Steinem--
"You know I'll take that as a compliment, Jackson," Colin cuts his father off, starting to walk away from him, "because God forbid someone treats the woman like a person with free will and a functioning brain in all this."
"Colin!," Jackson shouts out to him before Colin re-enters the ballroom, "Think about my offer, yeah?"
Colin stops before the door, and chokes out, "Go to Hell," before carrying on, back inside.
As he re-enters the ballroom, Colin is stunned upon seeing Hailey entering the ballroom from the hotel lobby. Wearing a beautiful gown, she beams as she enters the room, with her family trailing behind. The room filled with guests becomes loud with applause as she approaches her fiancee and kisses him full on the lips to continued applause and moments of good-natured catcalls. Hailey turns to face Colin after breaking from Brad's embrace. Her demeanour immediately changes from joy and confidence to one of shock and unsureness. Her mouth agape at the sight of Colin, whom she hasn't seen in years.
A teenaged Colin and Hailey stand on the same patio, deeply troubled looks on both their faces as they stand apart from each other, Colin leaning against the same railing he is in the present. Hailey turns her back to him and begins to walk back inside, head in hands. Colin turns and stops her, offering an apology. Hailey shakes her head, a look of disappointment on her face, stinging Colin like acid.
"It's not enough, Colin. I don't care what your mother had to do with any of this, it's what you did...and I'll never forgive you for it."
Colin hangs his head, as Hailey hands him back a ring, she steps away from him, back inside the ballroom. Colin goes to stop her but stops himself, turning back towards the railing. He hears a voice call his name.
Turning around, Colin rolls his eyes at the realization it's his his father, Jackson.
"Colin?," Jackson calls out again, Colin hesitating to respond.
* * *
Arriving in the lobby of the hotel, Eva Williams and her eldest son Trey Vitali arrive. Eva is dressed in a beautiful red evening gown, while Trey is wearing black slacks, and a blazer with a tie and dress shirt. They arrive arm in arm, laughing. Just ahead of them stand the Carters, also just having arrived at the hotel. Eva throws her arms open in delight upon seeing Hailey.
"Oh my God! Come her and give your Auntie Eva a hug, baby!," Eva squeals with delight, as she pulls Hailey in for a hug.
Anna turns around and gives Eva a warm smile before Eva steps over to hug her sister. "Congratulations, Anna!," Eva says while beaming ear to ear with excitement, "How has everything gone so far?"
"Well, fine so far, but dinner hasn't started yet," Lucas tells Anna, "We just got here a second ago ourselves."
"Yeah, they just renovated, so even I have no idea where anything is and I used to work here while I was in school," Trey chimes in, impressed with the changes they'd made.
"Well, the Davises can wait for us, as far as I'm concerned," Lucas decides.
Anna rolls her eyes at Lucas, and quickly changes the topic before he gets riled up again, asking Eva: "Where's Nathan, anyway?"
Eva's face changes, losing a bit of its enthusiasm as she tells her sister, "Oh he'll...he'll be around later, he got caught up with something at work so I just...let him go ahead."
Anna nods, understanding but having questions run through her mind. Ones she keeps in her head for the moment so as not to bring down the spirit of the evening. Instead, she takes her sister's hand and motions everyone to head for the ballroom, "...wherever that is."
* * *
Colin returns to facing out over the lake, disinterested in speaking to his father. Jackson insists on talking to him though, and begins anyway.
"I would've thought this would appeal to you!" Jackson says, a look of mock surprise on his face, "I mean it's not like you two haven't fought over your toys before."
Colin turns around in anger, pointing his finger in Jackson's face threateningly, "You have absolutely no right to speak about any woman that way, and especially Hailey, you understand?"
Jackson laughs in his son's face, "Or what?"
Jackson turns the other way and takes in the indian summer air. Hands in the pockets of his suit pants, he carries a relaxed demeanour, almost out of spite for his hot-headed son. He asks of Colin, "Do you really think I don't know the real reason why you came back?"
Colin looks puzzled by his Jackson's assertion, retorting, "The real reason is the reason I gave you before. Mom wants me back in town for my last year, and the University's Environmental Protection Group reached out to me to help them out."
Jackson scoffs at this, losing his cool as he speaks, "You and that damned environmentalist crap again. Do you understand where the money that paid for your education came from? That put a roof over your head for the first eighteen years of your ungrateful little life came from? Do you?"
"Oh I'm well aware, Jackson," Colin responds coldly, "And that's what makes it even better, knowing I'm putting that money to a worthwhile use."
Jackson's demeanour is increasingly threatening, approaching Colin with eyes filled with fire, but trying to keep a cool exterior. He gets in close to Colin, telling him, "See, that's where you're wrong, because not a penny of my money will be going to you if you're going to use it to destroy everything this family's worked for for generations. I'll see to that."
Colin smiles cooly. Unphased by his father's threats, he answers, "That's fine with me, I can pay my own way."
Jackson steps back slightly, but continues on, "And as for Hailey, I know you're really back for her, to claim what's 'rightfully yours'."
Colin's face cringes at his father's cynical words. Jackson continues, "Oh, you can dress it up any way you like, make it as egalitarian-sounding as your sensitive pseudo-intellectual head wants you to, but you can't fight nature, and your nature wants to sling her over your shoulder like a caveman and drag her back to your cave, because that's how a man's wired--
"No that's how you're wired!," Colin erupts in a rage, shaking at his father's words, "I want Hailey to be happy, even if it's with my idiot brother."
Colin recoils from his outburst, returning to a cooler place, though still filled with rage inside. He continues, "Now I know that's not how you operated, but some of us aren't hard-wired to 'win the girl' like she's some sort of trophy that a man wins in a football tournament."
Jackson shakes his head, "I should've never let you take those gender issues courses in first year. You're starting to sounds like Gloria Steinem--
"You know I'll take that as a compliment, Jackson," Colin cuts his father off, starting to walk away from him, "because God forbid someone treats the woman like a person with free will and a functioning brain in all this."
"Colin!," Jackson shouts out to him before Colin re-enters the ballroom, "Think about my offer, yeah?"
Colin stops before the door, and chokes out, "Go to Hell," before carrying on, back inside.
As he re-enters the ballroom, Colin is stunned upon seeing Hailey entering the ballroom from the hotel lobby. Wearing a beautiful gown, she beams as she enters the room, with her family trailing behind. The room filled with guests becomes loud with applause as she approaches her fiancee and kisses him full on the lips to continued applause and moments of good-natured catcalls. Hailey turns to face Colin after breaking from Brad's embrace. Her demeanour immediately changes from joy and confidence to one of shock and unsureness. Her mouth agape at the sight of Colin, whom she hasn't seen in years.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Episode 2: Warm Welcome
It's early evening in Two Harbors, and in a modest house in the north end of the city, reside the Carters. Inside the Carter house this evening, the family's youngest, Hailey, is preparing for one of the biggest nights of her life. Hailey stands in her bedroom, before an old floor mirror passed down from her grandmother Frances, with Stephanie beside her, changing for her engagement party to Bradley Davis. She stands in a floor length gown, tailored perfectly to her body. A gift from her husband, she had been to the tailor's early that morning to have everything just so for tonight.
Hailey glows as she stands in the mirror, turning and posing over and over. Stephanie excitedly walks over to the stairs up to Hailey's attic bedroom and calls for their mother, Anna. Anna runs up the stairs and is dazzled by what she sees. Anna shakes her head, telling Hailey, "Your father is going to fall over dead when he sees you like this, I tell ya!"
Hailey and Stephanie laugh, with Hailey still posing in the mirror. Hailey chimes in: "Well he better stay alive until the wedding, I have to have someone walk me down the aisle."
"And we sure as hell don't want Jackson Davis to be the one doing that!" Stephanie quips, elicitly a shudder from Anna and Hailey.
From downstairs comes the sound of a slamming door. The women perk up, and Anna quickly heads for the stairs, deciding that she should hold him off for a minute. Stephanie shoos Anna from the stairs, and insists that she do so, noting "Hailey still has to finish putting on her makeup, and I've never been the girly girl of the family, so you have to play judgmental mom."
Anna concedes, and Steph runs down to greet her father.
Anna stands beside Hailey, looking into the mirror with her. She smiles widely. "You know, I can't even believe you're getting married, never mind how grown up you look."
Hailey beams with confidence, and goes to put on her lipstick. As she does, she tells her mother "You know, it's really funny...you never know how life's going to go."
"How so?"
"Well, I mean, you and dad weren't at all excited that I was marrying Brad when I told you, right?"
"You know, 'I'm too young for him', 'why don't you wait a few years?' and all that?" Hailey continues, "And yet here you two are, you're acting so....happy for me. It's really amazing."
"Honey, we are happy for you," Anna tells Hailey, placing a hand on her shoulder, "You're our little girl, and we want you to be happy above all else, no matter who you're marrying."
Anna turns Hailey around and mother and daughter share a hug. Pulling away, Anna smiles, finishing, "And I know how clichéd that sounds, but you know what they say about clichés."
Hailey laughs, fanning herself as she tears up a bit, "Oh great, now I have to fix my makeup."
Anna rolls her eyes, asking "If you're this bad now, how are you gonna be at the wedding, honey?"
"God knows," Hailey says, grabbing a tissue from the box on her dresser, "I think I'll need a Hollywood crew or something to touch me up every five minutes."
Both mother and daughter turn as they hear footsteps up the stairs and the chatter of Steph and Lucas.
Anna walks over to her husband, "Honey, look at our beautiful daughter."
Hailey turns gracefully around in a full circle before posing, facing her father. Lucas' smile grows quickly as he looks at a daughter he's forever seen as a young girl, now transformed into a vivacious young woman.
* * *
"Well this is exactly the kind of warm, spirited welcome I've come to expect from the Davis family", Colin exclaims, making a pointed jab at his family, currently stood before him in the doorway for the Davis home, mouths agape at his surprise arrival.
"Well, what did you expect?" Jenn chimes in, "A marching band and a parade?"
"'Nice to see you' would suffice," Colin shoots back, stepping into the doorway despite the less-than-warm greeting.
Marian steps forward at this moment to give her son a warm hug. This rare show of affection causes her other children to tighten up slightly in surprise. She steps back from hugging Colin, and holds him at arm's length, looking him up and down with a big smile. She kisses his cheek and tells him softly, "I really missed you, dear."
"Not as much as I missed you," Colin replies, "And all of you, really!"
This outburst of emotion is immediately greeted with eye rolls and incredulous looks from his brothers and sister, who've turned and begun to make their way toward the living room. Jenn is particularly revolted, telling Colin, "Oh come on, Colin. The last time we saw you, you had embarrassed us all with that newspaper article you wrote, and then left for Seattle and we didn't hear a word from you for two years."
"Well, that's partly why I came back," Colin says, becoming suddenly rather earnest in tone, "I didn't like how I left things with any of you, and I think I owe it to you, in particular, Brad, since it's gonna be your big day soon, that I...you know...set things right, and congratulate my older brother, here."
This sets Brad a bit at ease, the initial tension between him and Colin upon Colin's entry subsiding noticeably at this moment. He reaches out his arm and wraps it around his younger brother, pulling him in with a couple manly slaps on the arm so as not to seem "weird". Colin doesn't expect this and is taken aback slightly, but at this point, the whole situation's so awkward that's basically par for the course.
Robbie pipes up, "So how long are you back for then?"
Colin smiles wryly, and says simply, "Until I'm done."
Jenn pulls Marian aside in this moment and asks her if she'd invited him to come back for the wedding. Marian admits that she had, but she also offered to cover their younger brother Jordan's ticket home as well, but that Jordan "had a very important exam come up and couldn't get out of town."
Jenn scrunches her nose at this, "Mother, it's too late in the month for exams, even for the summer semester, he'd have finished his exams in the first half of the month, no?"
"I don't know, it's been years since I've been in school, and we had summer vacation, so I can't judge."
"I never said anything about judging, but I sure as hell don't believe him."
Marian rolls her eyes, dismissing Jenn with a quick "pish posh", before turning back to Colin.
"Colin, darling, I'm so glad you're coming. I'm going to get in the car, and everyone, I expect to see you in the car in a moment, yes?" Marian announces to the group as she grabs her clutch and steps out the door, closing it behind her.
Jenn rolls her eyes in exasperation, throwing her hands up as she walks towards the door as well. She gestures at her remaining family, telling them, "You see? This is what the next six months are gonna be, right? I'll save the real estate section of the paper tomorrow."
Robbie attempts to follow, but Jenn slams the door behind her, narrowly missing hitting Robbie in the face and hands. Robbie jumps back slightly, then opens the door and walks out himself, smiling awkwardly back at Brad and Colin.
Leaving them alone, Brad grabs a small bag off the counter, while Colin rummages through one of his bags, pulling out a small gift bag. Brad and Colin both turn around at the same time, and stop facing each other.They laugh a little upon seeing their respective gift bags. Colin wonders why Brad has a gift bag at his own party. Brad tells him he has a big surprise for Hailey at the party.
Colin smiles at the mention of this gesture, telling Brad "You know, she's lucky to have you, yeah?"
"I'm sure you mean that," Brad retorts with more than a hint of sarcasm.
"No, seriously, I do," Colin says, putting his hand on Brad's shoulder, "I know you really love her, man, and I know you'll treat her well."
Brad gives Colin a faint smile. He thanks him for supporting him, telling Colin "I know it's gotta be hard for you, but I'm really glad you're back for this, means a lot, man."
They lean in for a quick hug, before setting out for the hotel ballroom.
* * *
"Well, when are you gonna be there, Gina?" Hailey says in a disappointed voice into her cell phone.
Stephanie and Anna are listening in, but pretending not to. Hailey looks behind her as her sister and mother look away, pretending to finish primping to get ready for the party.
"11? Wow...that's really late....yeah no that's fine, I just want my best friend there for my engagement party, of course!" Hailey tells Gina, to the delight of her mother and sister, who flash wide smiles at each other before hiding their feelings from a suspicious Hailey.
"Yeah I'll see you then," Hailey says into the phone before hanging up, and tells her family the news, to their feigned surprise. Stephanie reassures Hailey that she'll have everyone else around her to help her celebrate. Hailey smiles, but remembers that Colin won't be there, and nor will their eldest sister, Kayla. Steph gives her sister a quick hug, and tells her, "You're probably better off not thinking about Colin right now anyway."
Hailey nods somewhat woefully, knowing her sister's probably right, though she'd rather not believe it. "I know you miss him, Hailey," Steph continues, "But it isn't like he was there for you after he left or anything. Look who was!"
"Brad", Hailey finishes, sighing heavily, "I know, I know. I just....we spent a lot of time together the two of us, and --"
"And you still love him, somewhere in there", Steph cuts in, motioning to Hailey's heart and head.
"Pretty much"
"Hailey, just enjoy what you have now. Brad, as much as I can't believe it, really stepped up this year," Steph tells Hailey, almost disbelieving her own words, "Hold onto that. Okay?"
Hailey smiles slightly, hugging Steph again, treasuring the sage advice.
"Now, I'm gonna finish getting ready, and we'll meet you out at the car, okay?" Steph tells her sister, before heading upstairs, calling up to her mother to hurry.
Hailey stays downstairs, thinking over what her sister's just told her, recalling for the first time in awhile her love for Colin. As she looks into the mirror to adjust her hair, she looks behind her, and sees Colin walk into the room. He smiles and holds his arms out, announcing to her, "I came back for you, Hailey."
After a moment of shock and disbelief, Hailey spins around fast to find no one's in the room at all. Hailey looks around the room, not sure if she was hoping to be seeing things or not. Finally realizing she'd been wrong about Colin being in the room, she breathes deeply and coaches herself back to reality, reminding herself that she's engaged to the man who she loves that also loves her back, and that it'll all be okay.
This seems to set her at ease for the moment, as her family returns to the living room, ready to leave. Taking one last look in the mirror, Hailey smiles and follows her family out the door to the party.
* * *
Jackson Davis storms out of the dining hall where his son Bradley's engagement party will very shortly begin, cell phone in his ear. Jackson demands to the voice on the other end of the line that he'll be unreachable tonight. After a slight pause, Jackson breathes deeply and replies, "Gina, you know exactly why I won't be reachable tonight, because I'll be at the engagement party."
A moment later, "Yes, you know, that thing you're going to be at after you finish the filing, though I'm sure between your long-winded phone conversations to your girlfriends and your endless nail filing, none of that will get done until next week, but I digress. Don't let anyone call me, got it?"
Jackson gestures as if he's magically bestowing reason upon Gina through the phone, "GREAT! See you later, Gina!", and hangs up.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Jackson turns to head back into the dining hall when Marian enters the lobby and calls out to him. Jackson turns back around and smiles, "Sweetheart!"
They give each other polite hugs and kisses, devoid of intimacy, before Jackson raises his head to see Colin enter the room. Jackson takes in the sight of his long-estranged son in before greeting him, "Junior."
Colin nods, replying quickly, "Jackson."
Marian ushers the rest of the family into the dining hall to see what the hotel had done to set up for the party, leaving father and son virtually alone in the lobby. They stand apart, with a wall of tension between them one could almost see with the naked eye.
"So," Jackson begins, "I see you decided to take me up on my offer then."
"Don't even think that for a second," Colin stops him, stepping closer to him with intensity in his eyes, "I'm not here to do any of your dirty work, I'm here for me, and no one else, got it?"
Colin ends the standoff with his father after staring him down for a moment, heading into the dining room. Jackson stays behind, with a smirk emerging on his face.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Episode 1: Time to Change
The blue sky of Two Harbors, Minnesota is marred only by the shadow of an incoming Boeing plane, slowly descending to the tarmac. As the plane lands, Colin Davis lets out a heavy sigh as he re-enters his hometown.
"Welcome home, Colin," he mutters under his breath as he sets down his empty glass, not long ago filled with organic beer.
He winces slightly to himself as the plane taxis toward the gate, knowing what's to come when he steps off.
* * *
Marian Davis gracefully sashays down the grand staircase to the foyer of her expansive home, putting her sparkling earrings on as she does so. She looks toward the living room, checking to see if anyone's there, and if her eldest son, Bradley, is ready for his big night: The night of his grand engagement party.
Marian spots Brad standing in the living room, fixing his tie in the mirror. Marian looks on, a wide smile forming across her face as she watches her son. She saunters into the living room, still beaming. Brad spots her in the mirror and turns around, smiling widely.
"Well, have you ever seen anyone this handsome?", he asks, arms outstretched and posing.
Marian laughs in response, choking out, "Your father, maybe."
"Hey, now!", Brad protests, "You could shatter my ego talking like that."
Marian fixes Brad's tie and looks deeply into his eyes, relaxing from her usual stiff outward appearance, saying earnestly, "You look amazing, and Hailey will be so proud to call you her husband."
She fixes Brad's collar and tightens back upturns away, heading towards the foyer, where she calls the maid over, asking her to let her other children, Jenn and Robbie, know that the car will be ready in a few minutes, and to hurry for the party.
* * *
Upstairs, Robbie Davis sits at his computer desk, curtains drawn and lights dimmed. His suit for the engagement party lies on his impeccibly-made bed, untouched, and still zipped up in its bag. He sits, engrossed in what's on his computer screen. So much so that he misses the sound of someone knocking on his door, then entering his room. It's his twin sister, Jennifer.
She startles him when she speaks. "Hey," she calls out, "you planning on, you know, getting dressed tonight?"
Robbie takes a second to snap back to reality, but still would clearly rather be doing his work. "Oh, I, yeah...just a sec. I've still got some more stuff to finish from work today," he blusters.
Jennifer, or Jenn as only Robbie can call her, rolls her eyes. She walks over to Robbie's desk and closes off the monitor. Robbie immediately protests.
Jenn interjects immediately, "And if I hadn't done that, I'dve come home, and got back up again tomorrow morning and you'd still be staring at that monitor."
Robbie gets up from his chair and fumbles with the garment bag. Jenn sits down on his bed and looks at Robbie with concern. "You know, I know this is probably the last thing you want to be doing tonight," Jenn voices, "It's not exactly high on my own list, but, he wants to marry the girl."
Robbie pulls the suit from the bag, removing the suit jacket as slowly as humanly possible, as though delaying this process will slow down the progress of the evening. He looks up at Jenn and asks, "What about Colin, though?"
"Well, they're not together now, are they?"
"Well, no."
"And Colin isn't even in town anymore, so it's really kind of moot."
Robbie takes the pants off the hanger and motions Jenn to face away while he changes. Jenn clicks in to what Robbie's asking and obliges.
Robbie responds, "What if he does come back?"
"We'd know by now, surely." Jenn insists.
"I just don't think this is going to lead to anything but disaster, Jenn. I think if Brad's not careful, he could tear the whole family apart."
Jenn ponders his words for a moment, then turns back around with a start, "I don't think you have to worry about that," she offers.
"I do though."
"Well don't. It's not your battle to fight."
Jenn turns back around and heads for the door. The maid knocks at this moment, and instructs Robbie to hurry. Jenn follows the maid out. Robbie flops down on the bed, shaking his head.
* * *
Colin sits in the cab, driving into the city on his way from the airport. His home, Two Harbors, looks much the same as when he left two years ago for university. Same buildings, same houses, same hubris. A couple people attempting to start up new businesses in spaces that had laid empty for years after the economic crisis hit, nearly wiping the auto industry out, including his family's business, Atlantic Motor Co.
What hadn't been killed by the recession had already been killed by the big box stores. Colin saw his father's investment in the collection of big box chain stores on the outskirts of town as being a ruse to maintain and stimulate the "culture of the car". He never approved and has never set foot in any of the stores in question. Even looking at them now makes him wince as he drives by them.
As they approach the Atlantic HQ, Colin asks the cab to drive slowly as they pass. Colin studies the compound closely. He quietly lets out, "I'm baaaaaack!" to which the cabbie overhears and immediately asks, "sorry, what was that?"
"Oh...nothing, just thinking out loud."
Colin asks to head on again, and they drive off.
* * *
Jennifer descends the grand staircase to the foyer of the Davis house, impeccably dressed in a somewhat-business-ready red blouse and grey skirt, sitting below the knees, red pumps to match. Her hair done up in a bun, she looks older than her 28 years. Simply by way of her attire, she often gives the impression of being in her late 30s. Tonight she makes little effort to soften her looks, and as she enters the living room, Marian's face is one of slight disappointment at her choice of attire.
Jenn spots Marian's expression immediately, and calls her on it, asking "What wrong with it, Mother? I can tell you don't like it."
Marian, realizing her expression isn't as subtle as she'd like to believe, fakes a smile and approaches Jenn, responding, "No, Jennifer! It's not that. You look lovely. I just...you're going to a party, not a board meeting, darling."
Jenn sighs heavily and unpins the bun hastily, letting her hair flop down messily onto her shoulders. Exasperated, she chokes out, "There. Satisfied?"
Marian rolls her eyes and walks over to her bag, pulling out a brush. She hastily brushes through Jenn's hair while Jenn, resisting reverting to a 12 year old, stands quietly and still, allowing her mother to dote on her.
"There", Marian smiles as she finishes working on Jenn's hair, "Beautiful, you're ready to bring some handsome man to his knees."
"You've lost your mind, Mother."
"You have too if you think dressing for the office is going to get you a date!"
Marian's words sting a bit to Jenn, who fights her urge to tell her mother to back off with every fibre of her being. Instead, she turns, smiles, thanks her mother for her help, and heads directly for the caraffe of bourbon in the corner of the room.
Marian, a bit concerned about time, asks if anyone had seen Robbie anywhere. Jenn tells her that Robbie's upstairs getting ready, noting, "he should be ready by now, though."
Brad also notices that his father isn't home yet. "He'll meet us at the hall", Marian tells him. Brad seems relieved. Marian lights up as Robbie finally descends, dressed in his suit. She notes that almost the whole family's together, and looking great, "all that's missing is Jordan, and Colin."
The siblings all unwittingly flinch at the mention of their brother, Colin. Robbie pipes up immediately, "He isn't going to be there tonight, is he?"
"No, no, honey," Marian assures him, "though I'd love if he were."
The room goes strangely quiet for a moment. The siblings stare awkwardly at each other, unsure what to say to break the tension in the room.
* * *
Outside the house stands Colin, getting out of the cab after paying him. His bags are removed from the trunk, and he thanks the driver for taking him here. He looks out at the imposing estate and sighs heavily. "Well, here goes nothing," he voices aloud, stepping towards the door, luggage in hand(s).
* * *
Marian and her grown children wait awkwardly in the living room before Jenn finally pipes up and suggests everyone head to the car for the party. Brad immediately agrees, pulling himself off the sofa and making a beeline for the foyer. Marian gets up slowly, throwing her hands in the air, and telling everyone, "I'm sorry I even brought your brother up. I just figured it'd be nice if he were here with us for --
"Not tonight, mother," Jenn cuts her off, "It's Brad's night, okay? Let's get ready."
Marian wordlessly nods, admitting defeat. She joins Jenn and heads to the foyer. Brad tries to lighten the mood by reminding everyone: "It's my engagement, and drinks are on her," pointing at Marian.
Marian rolls her eyes and laughs, turning to confirm with the maid that the car's ready for them. Brad then swings open the door, only to find someone on the other side of the door.
The person turns around, turning out to be Colin, with a big smile on his face. "Surprise!" He shouts to his stunned and largely unimpressed family.
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A Disclaimer Before We Begin
Just for clarity's sake, the actors listed beside each character are not in any way actually involved in this project. It is a purely text-based serialized drama written by myself, A. Washington-Beeby.
The actors listed in the character bios are strictly there for the purpose of providing a visual for readers to go by during the series. These actors can change over time, just as on daytime dramas, and any changes will be reflected on the character bio sheets, which will be expanded and divided up into individual pages over time.
Just thought I'd clear that up! Now, on with the story!
The actors listed in the character bios are strictly there for the purpose of providing a visual for readers to go by during the series. These actors can change over time, just as on daytime dramas, and any changes will be reflected on the character bio sheets, which will be expanded and divided up into individual pages over time.
Just thought I'd clear that up! Now, on with the story!
Monday, July 22, 2013
INTRODUCING THE FAMILIES (Part 4): The Lewises and others (to be continually updated)
Linsey Godfrey |
Gina is a bombshell blonde, and takes great care with her appearance. She's very popular with guys, but is never attached to one guy at a time.
Matt Dallas |
Michael's sadness has led him to leave his home in upstate New York and head for the small city of Two Harbors. Part of him sought out this part of the country in hopes that he'd run into his younger brother, who left the family home years ago and has not communicated with the rest of the family since.
Emme Rylan |
Making friends doesn't come easily to Simone, and she avoids interaction with many in the community, though she does begin to connect with Stephanie Carter, who tries repeatedly to set Simone up on dates, hoping she can meet new people and break out of her shell.
Roscoe Born |
A widower, Conall has devoted the last ten years to his career, working his way up to principal of the high school, while setting his sights on head of the board of education, and a possible political career. He's not willing to let anything stop him from having the life he dreamed of as a young boy in Scotland. Even if it means ruining some other lives in the process.
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